Judd Hoos assemble!! Friday was finally here and it was time to round up the Hoos boys and head up north to Bismarck, ND! Since most of us were leaving from Rapid and the van was up in Sturgis, we all met up there and loaded the cruiser. After so many weekends on the road we are getting really good at loading and cramming into the van. We could all be professional Tetris players! We got on the road as fast as we could because Judd Hoos was going to be on the radio today and we had to make it there and try to sound check before four. Shane Dawg was the captain and we were literally at light speed on our way up there. Of course we were very safe!!
We got the road crew on board with us and they were all done setting up by the time we got into town around 3. The drive wasn’t bad at all. It was a little snowy on the way out of South Dakota but the roads were dry up north. So with all the conditions right we were able to sound check really quick and get to the radio station on time!
The deal was was that we were going to record a song and do an interview that would be aired in order to promote our shows for the weekend. Judd Hoos has not been in the North Dakota market for a while, so it was really important we did anything we could to get people to come see us play. We were greeted by the DJ and we crammed all six of us with him into his little studio room. We got situated in front of the microphones and got ready to perform. We ended up doing our Counting Stars cover. It was so fun to break it down acoustically. After we played the song, we did a quick interview talking about our new line up and why everyone should come out and experience the Judd Hoos show. It was so fun! We thanked the DJ for being so kind and letting us come in and do it. He told us when it was going to air. So we left and after we checked into the hotel we were all sitting in the van listening to Judd Hoos perform on the radio. It was the highlight of my whole weekend! I couldn’t believe I was hearing my voice on the radio. We kept listening and heard the interview with us and Bob Z and his special way of saying to come see us play.
After our surreal radio experience, we decided we had some rockstar appetites that could only be fed by… aliens? Yes, we went to a little bbq place called Space Aliens. It was fun and obviously very kid oriented. Judd Hoos left the aliens orbit and got back to the hotel for some naps. It was so nice to already be sound checked and ready to go and be able to relax before the gig. I was rooming with Shane Dawg and he definitely passed out for a while. After we all were rested up and got ready for the show we left to the bar.
There weren’t too many cars in the parking lot. The bar never got really busy. The show went really good though! We played really well and the people that were there were really into the show. I was happy to see the dance floor get packed during the second set for a while. Unfortunately we didn’t get the memo that the bar wanted us to end at 12 30 and we started a song when the lights came on. No big deal though. The best part of the night was we didn’t have to tear down! So Judd Hoos had a little band meeting about the show and a great talk about direction and new originals. We were going to take advantage of playing in the same bar the next day and rehearse for a few hours. So we discussed what was on the agenda for rehearsal too. They flickered the lights at us and we had to go back to the hotel. We all hung out for a while and worked on some original material. We had some fun sending some ridiculous snap chats to our friends in 32 Below. (An on going thing between the Hoos boys and them.) We were finally asked to keep it down, so we decided we should probably get some sleep before our long day.
We woke up and needed food! So the best idea was to hit up the local Krolls diner and try some knoephla soup! We were so full after eating I am surprised we didn’t roll out of there. Went straight from breakfast to rehearsal at the bar. Bob Z came in all excited about this idea for a song. So we all started just throwing ideas at it and putting some chords and melodies to it. Before we knew a new song was born. We spent a good two hours on writing this new song! It was so cool to have such a creative environment and see how productive we were. We spent the rest of practice putting together a new tune that Devin is singing lead on. Speaking of Devin, he has now won more nick names than he knows what to do with! Such as: Drinky Drink, soulless ginger, Devon, city slicker, and the latest one, Chipy. All with their own personalities. Funny stuff!
Once practice was over, we left the bar and headed back to the hotel. The productiveness was not over! Andy, Shane, Bob, Devin and I all worked on another original idea we have been working on about a house party. Shane wrote some killer lyrics and the song is almost ready to be put into the show. We also worked on a couple other tunes. We all went to our own rooms and rested before it was almost show time again.
Got to the bar and there were way more cars than the previous night! It took about the first half of the first set to get people out on the dance floor. During Jake Owen this huge guy stood right in front of me and I thought he was going grab me off stage! He ended up going to a corner of the dance floor and just rocking out though. The whole night was a complete success! There were so many more people. The bar was literally packed. A fun group of girls came out just because they heard we were really good, and stayed all night! It was so cool to see how much everyone liked us and we knew that we can come back and keep a good buzz going. We even picked up another gig in another ND town! We ended the night with a great encore and people still wanting more. We loaded out and headed back to the hotel to wind down and enjoy talking about the successful weekend.
It was such a productive weekend. It was definitely a different kind of weekend than a normal Judd Hoos run. We were on the radio, played in a new place, rehearsed and wrote new originals, made tons of new fans, and played the same place two nights. All of these things made it for a very special Judd Hoos weekend. Thank you to all the new fans we made for staying all night and rocking out with us! And to the staff at the Burnt Creek Club for having us and taking care of us. Thank you for letting us rehearse and make noise during the day. We can’t wait to come back and rock Bismarck again! Hopefully very soon. Next weekend we are rocking South Dakota in Mitchell at Thirsty’s and in Aberdeen at The Zoo! Super excited to show off our new Judd Hoos to you folks so be ready to dance, drink, and party with us! Stay tuned for more on the road with Judd Hoos.
– T Bills
Highlights of the Weekend:
being on the radio
Devin’s nick names
more original music