Judd Hoos

Sturgis RallyHolly crap the rally is over! It seemed like it just got started. I had such a great time. We ended up taking a ton of pictures. Most of them are up so go check out what you missed or you don’t remember. The rest should be up in the next day or so.

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Loud American. Half naked girls, fights, and late night parties were the norm this year. Anybody else notice the large amount of body paint this year?

We played with some great bands like Johnny Lunchmeat, Dirty Word and Appetitite for Deception. Chris Roman from Lunchmeat and I are working on getting a show on NPR. Anyone interested in listening to ‘Bass Talk with Chris and Chris.’ It’s a half Bass Guitar half Bass Fishing show. I didn’t think so…

Andy, Mark, and Brandon from Appetite came up and played a few songs with us on Saturday night. If you are ever in the Oregon area I highly recommend you go check these guys out. They kick ass and who doesn’t like G&R?

I ended my rally drinking a few beers… and a few more beers, singing Beatles tunes backstage with the rest of the Hoos, the crew, and appetite. I think we even sang some Iron Maiden.

I’ll end this Rally post with some wisdom from good old B. Dickinson:

So when you’re waiting for the next attack
you better stand there’s no turning back
